SORA Downloadable E-Books

Instant Books - Wherever you are! Need something to read or listen to - NOW!?

Log into the Sora (Overdrive) app on your device, using your school Google email address and password. Choose an e-Book or e-Audiobook and you're all set! 

If you finish a book early, be sure to "return" it early so someone else can check it out!

Check Classlink Launchpad for the SORA icon:  




Getting started with Sora

Step 1

Optional, for personal devices/phones -> Install the Sora app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or go to

Step 2

In Sora, find Victor Valley Union High School District, sign in using the VVUHSD button, sign into your school Google account.

Step 3

Browse the EXPLORE tab and borrow a book. Your book will open so you can start reading right away.

Step 4

Close the book and go to SHELF to see all your books. From there, you can:

  • Select Open book or Open audiobook to read or listen to the book.
  • Select Options to renew or return the book, see your notes and highlights, and more.


*****For additional help, go to Sora Help.